(((. about .)))

name: kantraa sign: gemini
fav color: RED!!! (black and white works too)
fav animal: cat
gender: male (cis)
bday: june 4th
likes: technology, obscure arcade rhythm games n rhythm games in general, the old web, the web in general, vocaloid, vaporwave, rock music, skeuomorphism, neo-y2k, mcbling, metalheart, aviation (the complex machinery, not airlines), etc. i don't know how to write a proper interests section since i probably have more interests than there are particles in the universe so you'll just have to learn the rest by talking 2 me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
dislikes: corporations, the modern web, pop and rap music, most flat design
fav games:aa and tetris i guess? i don't really game anymore...
other stuff: terminally online, i wear a wifi antenna on my head

about the site

i made this site in December 2021 with the url xwave.neocities.org as basically a really primitive version of A.N Lucas' Web Lounge. it doesn't exist anymore because i moved to my own server in around june/july of 2022 which then also went poof so i had to move here. a lot of wayback machine captures exist of that site but theyre all broken because back then i was using SCM Music Player and that fucks up archives. i updated it a bunch i moved to my own server, i updated that a bunch too and eventually i moved back here. i had a site way earlier in 2019 too but that was using Wix of all things and it's got my real name plastered all over it so i dont wanna link it lmao

blah blah blah the old web blah blah blah i miss 2002 blah blah surveillance blah blah blah corporate bullshit blah blah blah data-harvesting. i think that mine is the only site on neocities that isn't plastered with all of those words. i'm not making a website to "EsCaPe tHE MatRiX oOo" i'm making a website to have some goddamn fun and learn some new skills while i'm at it. the fancy old web you long for so much isn't coming back, okay? the world you were born in no longer exists and you need to deal with that or crumble under the sadness you feel for no reason. enjoy the dumpster fire while you're at it or fuck right off.

the reason why this site looks like a 2005 emo myspace profile turned website is half because it's intentional, half because of my shitty html skills.

warning: this site will always be under construction.
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